

 Today in class we worked on any make up work we needed to do.


 Today, Mr.Rease told us that our career project was due at the end of the day. So we spent the entire class period working on it.


 Today in class, we continued to work on our career assignment. Mr. Rease had us pick one career that we researched on Monday and find what we have to major in, in order to do that career. We then had to pick one college in Georgia, that has our major, and research that school. Mr. Rease taught us how to navigate a college website so that the assignment would be easier.


 Due to EOC testing, we did not go to second period today.


 Today in class, we did a career research assignment. We researched 2 different careers and answered questions about them on separate sheets of paper. We weren’t able to finish so we had it as homework. 

Write about a secret being revealed.

 I recently found out that I was adopted. I’ve always thought my adoptive parents were my biological parents. I mean, I look just like my mom. It turns out that they’re my grandparents and my sister is my mom. My biological mom had me at a very young age so my grandparents took me in. I kind of felt betrayed and I felt hurt but I know they did it for all the right reasons.