
Showing posts from April, 2023


 Today, Mr.Rease told us that our career project was due at the end of the day. So we spent the entire class period working on it.


 Today in class, we continued to work on our career assignment. Mr. Rease had us pick one career that we researched on Monday and find what we have to major in, in order to do that career. We then had to pick one college in Georgia, that has our major, and research that school. Mr. Rease taught us how to navigate a college website so that the assignment would be easier.


 Due to EOC testing, we did not go to second period today.


 Today in class, we did a career research assignment. We researched 2 different careers and answered questions about them on separate sheets of paper. We weren’t able to finish so we had it as homework. 

Write about a secret being revealed.

 I recently found out that I was adopted. I’ve always thought my adoptive parents were my biological parents. I mean, I look just like my mom. It turns out that they’re my grandparents and my sister is my mom. My biological mom had me at a very young age so my grandparents took me in. I kind of felt betrayed and I felt hurt but I know they did it for all the right reasons.

Write about having no fun at all.

  Everyday I got to school and learn the same thing over and over. I sit at a desk, taking notes for a hour and a half. I watch the clock wondering “When will this end?”. I anticipate 3:10 everyday because it’s so boring. I’ve been doing the same thing over and over since I was 5. I’m over it. 

Write about something/someone being born.

   The sound of the baby was heard throughout the room. There wasn’t a dry eye in sight. The birth of new life is so beautiful. A new innocent soul made their transition into the world. Who knows where life will take them.

Write about something that doesn’t get better.

  Losing someone you’re close to never gets better. Whether its by death or by simply growing apart, it never gets better. You kind of just learn to deal with. It never really stops hurting. You never really get over the lose. It just hurts less and less. Sometimes you’ll remember random memories and have random waves of sadness but you just learn to deal with it.

Write a long thank you letter.

  Dear Mom and Dad,     Thank You,     Thank you for being there for me for as long as I can remember. Thank you for raising me to the best of  your ability. Thank you for taking me in and caring for me when my biological parents couldn’t. Thank you for always providing for me. Thank you for spoiling me whenever you can, even when we don’t have it. You guys have always made a way or found a way to make me happy and to keep me happy. Seeing me smile makes you smile and I just want to return the favor. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. I love you guys. 

Write about what you used to know how to know how to do.

  When I was in 5th through 6th grade I went to a magnet school where playing an instrument was required. I wanted to play percussion but my mom signed me up the violin instead. I hated playing the violin the first 3 months of it. I hated the uncomfortable position I had to hold the instrument in. I hated not understanding the notes I was “reading”. I even hated my teacher and how hard he was on us. I hated everything about that class.   Eventually, I got better and playing the violin got easier. Reading the notes got easier and holding the instrument. Even learning from my teacher got easier. By the end of 6th grade I was second chair, second violin. I didn’t continue when I left that school, I still hated playing the violin.

Write about when you knew when you were in trouble.

   When I was in 1st grade, I got in trouble for talking too much in class. My mom was always getting calls about me being disruptive in class. Everything we were learning I already knew so I talked and I got in trouble for it almost every day. On this specific day, I think my mom was over getting calls from my teacher. The teacher called my mom and my mom asked to speak to me. All she said was “Daddy is going to handle it this time”. Thats when I knew I was in serious trouble. 

Write about something you can’t deny.

 I can’t deny my love for him. It can be seen from across the room. The way my eyes light up when he’s around or how my smile doesn’t leave my face. You can hear how in love I am just from how I talk about him. I speak very highly of him and defend his every action. He does no wrong in my eyes. I couldn’t deny my love for him even if I wanted to. I find a way to bring him up in every conversation. I know my friends are tired of me but I can’t help it. I’m young and in love.

Write a few pages in which you obsess over something meaningless.

  I often wondered what others thought of me. What was their point of view when they were around me? I wonder if they like my hair, or my outfit. I wonder if I’m being too loud or too flamboyant. I found myself obsessing over making sure people like me. Doing everything I can to be liked, even if its by the wrong crowd. I found myself doing things I wouldn’t normally do.  I found myself being mean to others to fit in. Trying to keep up with all the latest fashion trends or talking a certain way, but no matter how hard I tried it was never enough. I eventually realized that you cant make everyone like you and you cant make everyone happy. There’s always going to be someone who doesn’t like you and thats okay. As long as you like who you are that’s all that matters. It’s meaningless and pointless trying to get everyone to like you if you aren’t being yourself. As long as you are your true authentic self than there will be someone who likes you for you. Once I realized that, I realized ho

Write about the time when you dressed inappropriately for the occasion.

Once, when I was in middle school, I was invited to a birthday dinner. It was my first birthday dinner without my mom being there with me. I’ve always hated dresses, skirts, heels and things like that so I wore jeans and a hoodie. What I didn’t know was that the restaurant was an upscale restaurant; embarrassed, couldn’t describe how I felt when I saw everyone in dresses and heels. I immediately called my mom and told her to come get me. I left without a second thought. 

Write about something you have too much of.

   I have too much time on my hands. I never have anything to do after school or on the weekends. So, I’m always bored and looking for things to do. That can lead me to get into some trouble sometimes. I’m sometimes out too late or I get caught up with the wrong crowd. I’m just bored all the time. I think I’m just going to join a club or something so I can stay out of trouble. 

Write about someone you forgot.

  When I was in 7th grade my uncle died. For months all I thought about was him, he was one of my favorite people but after a few months he slowly began to leave my thoughts.  First, I forgot his voice. Then, I forgot his scent. His face was the last thing I forgot. Sometimes I cant even remember conversations we had and I feel bad every time I try to remember his voice and I can’t think of anything. He wasn’t a forgettable person, he was caring and big hearted. He was silly, always making jokes and knew how to keep a smile on my face. My favorite uncle, Uncle Theodore Mason. 

Write about a question you wished you’d asked.

  I often wonder why my parents couldn’t raise me. Why I was handed off to my grandparents the moment I was born? I get them being teenagers but why couldn’t they at least try. I wish I could ask them but it seems too late now. I’m almost 18. What is the point of asking now?

Write about something that was too small/ too big.

   When I was younger, I hated shopping for school uniforms. My mom would always say “Get them a size up so you can wear them again next year”. We didn’t have much money so we couldn’t afford to buy new uniforms every year. I hated getting picked on because my clothes were too big. I dreaded going back to school with the same clothes from last year just a little smaller.

Write about when you knew something was over (or had begun).

   My first love and I dated for almost 2 years. I met him at school and from then, we spent every moment together. We met each other’s parents and our parents met each other. I went on family outings with him and we spent holidays together. Unfortunately, we started to grow apart. We got older and different things interested us. We didn’t talk on the phone everyday anymore and we stopped going out together. I knew it was over when I looked in his eyes and the look didn’t feel the same. 

Write about all the secrets that have been kept from you.

    I had my first boyfriend when I was 15. To me, we were perfect. He loved me and I loved him. Little did I know there was a big secret being kept from me. He was cheating on me the entirety of our relationship with my best friend. Everyone knew but me, the entire school knew. I wouldn’t have found out if I hadn’t seen them together in the hallway. I was so sad and embarrassed. I was angry. It felt like everyone was against me.

Write about something you don’t exactly remember.

   I got into my first fight when I was in 9th grade. Although I do remember the exact reason we fought, I couldn’t tell you what happened when we fought. The girl and I were arguing on Instagram for like 2 weeks before we fought. I saw her in the hall and just asked if she wanted to fight. She wanted to argue and go back and forth so I just swung. Now anything after that, I don’t really remember. I remember teachers and students breaking it up and me trying to get them off me. Then, getting sent the assistant principal’s office and getting suspended for 10 days. I definitely remember the extra long lecture my parents gave me.